"Honestly I am so impressed with the way Elms academy keep us parents in the loop constantly from having access to homework platforms to numerous evenings telling us how we can help support our children. I definitely chose the right school for my son. I couldn’t be happier."


Parent Survey feedback, autumn 2024


The Elms Academy admits up to 135 students to Year 7 each September.  Admissions will be coordinated through the Pan London Coordinated Admissions Scheme and its timetable. Applications should be submitted on the Common Application Form to the local authority responsible for the parental address. 

The admission of students with an Educational Health Care Plan is conducted through a separate process. Parents of these students should contact their home Local Authority’s SEND.

Please note that the deadline for applications for a Year 7 place for September 2026 is 31st October 2025.

You will be emailed the outcome of your application on the evening of 3 March 2025 from the London eAdmissions Team.

Over-subscription criteria

If there are more applicants than the number of places available the following over-subscription criteria will be applied. 

  • Children in Public Care (Looked After Children)
  • Siblings of students currently attending the academy and who will continue to do so on the date of admission. The term “sibling” means a full, step, half, adopted or fostered brother or sister, but not cousins. The academy reserves the right to ask for proof of relationship.
  • Nearest straight-line distance to the academy.  

Late applications will not be considered until after National Offer Day. Applicants will then be placed on the waiting list in a position determined by the application of our over-subscription criteria.

Waiting lists

Subject to any provisions regarding waiting lists in the local authorities’ co-ordinated admission scheme, we will operate a waiting list following National Offer Day in March. This will be maintained by the academy and it will be open to any parent to ask for his or her child’s name to be placed on the waiting list, following an unsuccessful application.

How to apply for a Year 7 place for September 2026

Applications must be made using the Common Application Form from your home local authority by the deadline of the year before your child starts school. 

Further enquiries

Please contact our Admissions Officer, Miss Samantha Bradley on 0207 819 4718 or email sbradley@theelmsacademy.org.uk 


Guide to Starting Secondary School

BBC Bitesize: Starting Secondary School

With content hosted on BBC Bitesize, Starting Secondary School is packed with videos, interactive games, tips and advice which will help your child during their last weeks in primary school and through their critical first weeks at secondary school.

It also has practical tips for you as a parent on how to prepare your child for secondary school, as well as resources to help start discussion around transition, produced in partnership with YoungMinds.

I love the fact that whilst The Elms Academy encourages independence, it's also very communicative with parents and keeps us in the loop constantly academically as well as up to date on social events etc. They are also very good with praise as well as discipline which I support 100%. Very happy with the school as a whole.”

Y7 parent (Parent Survey 2024)

Admissions Policy
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