Enrichment Activities are an important part of school life at The Elms Academy. We offer a wide range of activities to all students from all year groups. All of our teachers dedicate time to the running of these activities and we encourage all of our students to become involved in different activities during lunchtime and after school. These are advertised on Academy notice boards, in assemblies and through a tutor time.
Enrichment also feeds into the school’s House System and points are gained by inter-house competitions and sporting events.
After-school activities and events:
A wide range of extra-curricular activities, trips and matches take place after the Academy day officially ends at 3.30pm. Enrichment is compulsory for Year 7 and Year 8 students on Mondays after school from 3.30 - 4.30pm.
Students who wish to participate in, and who are selected for, teams will be given details of the dates, locations and probable finishing times of the matches well in advance. If the match is at another school or institution, pupils will be transported there by minibus and will return to The Elms Academy after the match.