Pastoral care is an intrinsic part of life at The Elms Academy and is taken very seriously. It is overseen by the Vice Principal Mr Lynes. A team of Assistant Principals manage the care of students at each Key Stage, supported by Heads of Year and Tutors in ensuring the pastoral care and academic progress of students. 

In order to maintain consistency of care, and develop the opportunity to develop strong relationships, the student's Form Tutor usually remains with them until they reach the next Key Stage. Each students has a form tutor whom they see daily and is responsible for the supervision, guidance and care of the student in their tutor group. Tutors are equipped with an overview of academic progress and pastoral information so that they can support all students individually most appropriately. They work to ensure that all students are as happy and successful as they can be.

Our school nurse works in close collaboration with Year Teams and provides relevant and timely support to students at different stages of their school career. Our safeguarding team is experienced and approachable, as are our anti-bullying teams.  We work in effectively and proactively with agencies in our local authority including CAMHS, the Police, the Gaia Centre and counsellors and mentors who are available to discuss and take appropriate actions in response to any concerns. The opportunity to talk openly about anything that may be troubling a student helps them understand their feelings and build their self-confidence and self-esteem. The Pastoral Team around the student provides a far reaching and accessible network of support. With this wide network, we hope every student will feel able to talk with a trusted adult at school should they wish to.  RSE  assemblies and workshops are delivered by teachers and NHS staff in line with statutory requirements.

Core values of ‘Integrity’, ‘Ambition’ and ‘Determination’ guide our enrichment programme, tutor time sessions and form the basis of all assemblies that  are delivered by both Heads of Year and the Senior Leadership Team. 


PSHE and the spiritual, moral, social and cultural education of our students is delivered implicitly in curriculum lessons but also explicitly through the use of drop down mornings or days. We celebrate British Values and national and international days similarly, but they are also recognised in assemblies.  At The Elms Academy we nurture students to strive for their own personal best and enable them to make healthy, wise and principled choices that lead to happy and fulfilled lives.

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Student Wellbeing
There are many resources available to students and parents to support students with emotional wellbeing and good mental health.

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