Sanctions System
In the same way we want children to understand that poor behaviour, a lack of respect and a lack of hard work are detrimental to their achievement as well as to our community as a school. We do this through our behaviour system. A detention will be issued for lateness, failure to complete homework or poor conduct at morning roll call. It is crucial that your child completes the detention as soon as it is set so that they see clearly the link between their poor behaviour and the sanction. Detentions are not optional.
Therefore we do not rearrange a detention unless there is a medical emergency and a medical letter is provided.
If a student fails to meet the required high standards of the Academy, then they must expect to face the consequences of their actions through:
- Same Day detention (up to one hour)
- Phone calls/letters home to parents/carers
- Community service
- Internal exclusion in the Reflection Room
- Meeting between senior staff and parents/carers
- Friday night detention for 2 hours
- Fixed term external exclusion
- Permanent exclusion
Behaviour is excellent here at The Elms Academy. Students typically work in calm and ordered environments and visitors often comment on how quiet the school is! We have a binary system of behaviour which the students understand and feel is fair. They understand the value of high expectations and appreciate being able to work in classrooms where learning is not disrupted.